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139 GRI Index and Assurance statement Engaged citizen Fair partner Responsible banker Human Capacity Report Sustainability management Overview Foreword Fair partner (Stakeholder inclusion) Fair partner (Employees, Stakeholder inclusion) Fair partner (Employees) Fair partner (Inhouse ecology) Fair partner (Inhouse ecology) Fair partner (Inhouse ecology) Fair partner (Suppliers) Fair partner (Inhouse ecology) Fair partner (Inhouse ecology) Fair partner (Inhouse ecology) Ensuring future viability for 2025 in the area of sustainability/employees Update of the materiality analysis Increase in the share of women in executive management to 35 percent in five to ten years Participation in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) for increasing the transparency of our carbon emissions Reduction in Scope 3 emissions related to mobility by 10 percent by 2030 Specification and communication of the environmental strategy and its implementation in the form of environmental guiding principles Determination of the status of the top 30 suppliers of the RZB Group with regard to environmental and social aspects in their business management Determination of the environmental footprint for the Raiffeisen Banking Group in Austria (incl. the RZB Group Austria) Implementation of environmental targets such as: Reduction in power and heat consumption by ten percent by 2020 Depicting our environmental footprint Ensuring a meaningful work environment Conducting an online survey with the goal of updating the existing materiality matrix. The topics presented in the materiality analysis should be the basis for this. An expansion of the survey to include stakeholders of the network banks is planned. Achievement of a share of women of 35 percent on the Supervisory Board, Managing Board and in higher management of RZB AG and RBI AG through the advancement of appropriate measures such as direct address or supporting measures Participation of the RBI Group in the CDP and derivation of suitable measures The mobility survey conducted in the RBI Group and at RZB AG at the end of 2014 will be analyzed in detail; appropriate measures for reducing the Scope 3 emissions were analyzed Creation of environmental guiding principles for the RZB Group and their corresponding publication Conducting of a supplier survey, in which the suppliers of the RZB Group receive an annual questionnaire on environmental and social aspects starting in 2015 Creation of an environmental balance sheet by an external partner for the Raiffeisen Banking Group in Austria (incl. the RZB Group in Austria) Derivation of measures aimed at implementing the defined objectives of the environmental program (http://www.rzb. at/under: About us/Sustainability management/Guiding Principles/ Environmental measures and objectives). Evaluation of the environmental footprint on a scientific basis by SERI (for RZB AG and RBI AG). Ongoing development and communication of the sustainability activities to the employees and developing a corporate volunteering program (see page 153) Implemented in the second half of 2015 and in the first quarter of 2016 Conducting of a workshop with management staff and talents; defining a comprehensive package of measures Implemented in the first half of 2015 Implemented in the first half of 2015 Implemented in the first half of 2015 Ongoing Implemented in the second half of 2015 Publication in Dec. 2015 Ongoing Implemented in the second half of 2014 From the Sustainability Program 2015 Fair partner (Employees) Fair partner (Employees) Fair partner (Employees) Fair partner (Inhouse ecology) Fair partner (Suppliers) Fair partner (Inhouse ecology) Fair partner (Inhouse ecology) Raising awareness of sustainability among employees Realignment of the performance management system Determination of employee enablement and commitment Use of green power at the RZB Group sites in Vienna Determination of the status of the top 30 suppliers of the RZB Group with regard to environmental and social aspects in their business management Participation in the CDP (former Carbon Disclosure Project) Implementation of new environmental targets such as: CO2 reduction of Scope 1-3 emissions by 30 percent by 2025 Expansion of the online training already in place at RZB AG and RBI AG for employees to the network banks in an English-language version Revision of the Performance Management concept; conducting of pilot projects in 2016 and group-wide introduction in 2017 and 2018 Conducting of a group-wide employee survey in the fourth quarter of 2016 Conversion to certified green energy without large-scale hydropower Conducting of a supplier survey, in which the suppliers of the RZB Group receive an annual questionnaire on environmental and social aspects Participation of the RBI Group in the CDP and derivation of suitable measures Derivation of measures aimed at implementing the defined objectives of the environmental program (http://www.rzb. at/under: About us/Sustainability management/Guiding Principles/ Environmental measures and objectives). Planned for the second half of 2016; postponed to the second half of 2017 Ongoing Ongoing In place since 2013 Ongoing Implemented in the first half of 2016 Ongoing From the Sustainability Program 2016

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