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21 GRI Index and Assurance statement Engaged citizen Fair partner Responsible banker Human Capacity Report Sustainability management Overview Foreword Material aspects and themes inclusive Sustainable Development Goals We pursue two approaches in the further development of our sustainability strategy and the definition of reporting content and focal points: On the one hand, we want to know what standards we must meet in order to enjoy long-term success. On the other, it is important to us as an internationally active banking group to know what our stakeholders expect of us. Accordingly, we make use of a multi-stage materiality analysis that includes our stakeholders in order to identify the areas of activity and key sustainability aspects. Since the publication of the fourth generation of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI G4), upon which this report is based, the principle of materiality has been placed at the center of the reporting. In this way, the GRI emphasizes even more strongly than before that sustainability reports should be focused on the key aspects of sustainability. The process of identifying and prioritizing the relevant topics and aspects must also be systematic and well documented. Materiality analysis Materiality analysis process Identification and evaluation of key topics Compliance und Antikorruption Stakeholder dialogs, analysis of international standards and guidelines, such as GRI, ISO 26000, United Nations Global Compact, AA 1000, SASB and evaluation of studies Internal standards and requirements, such as the Code of Conduct, Compliance Manual, Sustainability Guiding Principles including action areas Analysis and prioritization Review and assessment by our stakeholders: Online stakeholder surveys, assessments in the course of stakeholder dialogs, focus groups, discussions with experts, evaluations by experts Review and assessment by internal committees and the Group Sustainability Management Validation Validation of the prioritization of key aspects and GRI performance indicators by an external auditor Implementation Integration of the results and insights in the sustainability strategy and management, monitoring and reporting

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