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33 GRI Index and Assurance statement Engaged citizen Fair partner Responsible banker Human Capacity Report Sustainability management Overview Foreword Sustainability ratings, indices and awards Sustainability ratings and sustainability indices In addition to financial indicators, sustainability criteria are increasingly involved in the investment decisions taken by investors. Analyses and ratings by agencies and index providers specializing in sustainability offer guidance and orientation. oekom research rating oekom research evaluates a company’s social and ecological performance in the context of corporate ratings by applying over 100 sector-specific social and environmental criteria. oekom research ensures that the ratings are kept up to date through regular update cycles. In order to make the evaluations transparent, oekom research publishes not only criteria and processes but also important rating results. The sustainability rating of the RZB Group and of the RBI Group was rated at level “C+” for the first time in Decmber 2016, which means “Prime Status”. VÖNIX RBI AG has been listed in the sustainability index of the Vienna Stock Exchange – the VBV-Österreichischer Nachhaltigkeitsindex (VÖNIX Index) – for eleven consecutive years. This index includes those domestic companies listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange that are leading in terms of their environmental and social activities and services. The VÖNIX index, which was launched in June 2005, is one of the first national sustainability indices and demonstrates the long-term benefit of sustainable business and investment. The VÖNIX index is based on the measurement of entrepreneurial activity. This requires a complex model with extensive environmental and social exclusion criteria and positive criteria. As part of an annual sustainability analysis, information on the relevant sustainability criteria is surveyed for all domestic companies whose shares are listed on the Prime Market of the Vienna Stock Exchange. Publicly available company information, individual company sources and other materials such as press releases or databases serve as sources. FTSE4Good RBI AG has been included in the FTSE4-Good Index Series of the London FTSE Group since 2015. The FTSE4-Good is a family of indices that contains companies which undertake to comply with globally recognized standards of corporate responsibility in the areas of the environment, society and governance and are particularly committed. This is measured on the basis of transparent criteria.

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